Thursday, September 23, 2010


Whew! I've decided that trying to start a little business is hard work. I haven't even made a sale yet (I haven't really tried) and I feel like I have spent hours planning and researching and making and unmaking and creating.  I guess its the perfectionist in me that wants to wait until I have made the perfect product before I tell anyone about it. Or maybe it's the fear of someone laughing at me.  But I realize that its a work in progress and that I might as well get the ball rolling and dive right in... Here goes!

Right after I had my sweet baby boy I realized that labor and delivery takes a toll on your body. I was pretty miserable for the first couple weeks and I wondered when I would feel like a normal person again. I had minimal time to get ready for the day and I never had time to fix my hair. Since I had to keep it pulled back anyway, I really wanted to get some of those cute headbands that every girl seems to be sporting nowadays. After an entire month of letting my hair go wild I decided that I would just make myself a couple of them so that I could feel presentable again. Making headbands became my new hobby!
Me and my little one after I finished making my first headband. I was pretty proud of myself.
Wearing headbands soon became a must for me.
More and more people asked me about my headbands...and then several people encouraged me to start selling them. I finally decided to do it and I have been busy ever since trying to make it happen. I would like to take some decent photographs of them before I show you my little collection of what is for sale so stay tuned! Oh and hereafter they will be referred to as blossom bands! So be excited. ; )

I will also be selling blossom bands for babies which I am having so much fun making. And guess who gets to test them out??! Poor baby boy is not going to be very happy with me when he gets older.

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